pycapacity.visual module


This is a python module helping to visualise 2d and 3d polytopes and ellipsoids. It is based on the module matplotlib.

pycapacity.visual.plot_ellipsoid(radii=None, rotation=None, ellipsoid=None, center=None, plot=None, label=None, color=None, edge_color=None, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0)[source]

Plotting ellipsoid in 2d and 3d


plot parameter can be either matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.axes.Axes or matplotlib.figure.Figure or mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.


>>> import pycapacity.visual
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> pycapacity.visual.plot_ellipsoid([6,5,4],np.eye(3),plot=fig, color='blue', alpha=0.5)
>>> pycapacity.visual.plot_ellipsoid([1,2,3],np.eye(3),plot=fig, color='red', alpha=0.5)
  • plot – matplotlib ax to plot on, can be either matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.axes.Axes or matplotlib.figure.Figure or mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D

  • radii – radii of the ellipsoid in each axis (optional either radii and rotation or ellipsoid must be provided)

  • rotation – rotation matrix (optional *either radii and rotation or ellipsoid must be provided*)

  • ellipsoid (Ellipsoid) – ellipsoid object - if it is provided, it will use the ellipsoid radii and rotation (optional either radii and rotation or ellipsoid must be provided)

  • center – offset of the ellipsoid from origin (optional)

  • color – face color (optional)

  • edge_color – egde collor (optional)

  • alpha – opacity (optional)

  • label – legend label (optional)

  • scale – scale the polytope with a scalar (optional)


matplotlib ax used for plotting

Return type:


pycapacity.visual.plot_polytope(polytope, plot=None, color=None, vertex_color='black', face_color=None, edge_color=None, alpha=None, label=None, center=None, scale=1.0, show_vertices=True, wireframe=False)[source]

A polytope plotting function in 2d and 3d. It plots the polytope faces and vertices from the polytope object.


plot parameter can be either matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.axes.Axes or matplotlib.figure.Figure or mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.

  • plot – matplotlib ax to plot on, can be either matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.axes.Axes or matplotlib.figure.Figure or mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D

  • polytope (Polytope) – polytope object it has to be provided

  • face_color – polytope face color (optional)

  • edge_color – polytope edge color (optional)

  • vertex_color – polytope vertex color (optional)

  • alpha – polytope opacity (optional)

  • label – legend label (optional)

  • center – offset the polytope (optional)

  • scale – scale the polytope with a scalar (optional)

  • show_vertices – show the vertices of the polytope (optional)

  • wireframe – show the polytope as a wireframe (optional)

  • color – polytope color - it can be either a string (one color for faces, edges and vertices) or a list of 3 values for face, edge and vertex color (optional)

pycapacity.visual.plot_polytope_faces(faces=None, polytope=None, plot=None, face_color=None, edge_color=None, alpha=None, label=None, center=None, scale=1.0, wireframe=False)[source]

Polytope faces plotting function in 2d and 3d.


plot parameter can be either matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.axes.Axes or matplotlib.figure.Figure.


>>> import pycapacity.visual
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> pycapacity.visual.plot_polytope_faces([[6,5,4,3],[1,2,2,1]],plot=fig,face_color='blue')
>>> pycapacity.visual.plot_polytope_faces([[10,8,7,6],[1,2,2,1]],plot=fig,face_color='red')
  • plot – matplotlib ax to plot on, can be either matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.axes.Axes or matplotlib.figure.Figure or mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D

  • faces – list of faces (optional either vertex or polytope must be provided)

  • polytope (Polytope) – polytope object - if it is provided, it will use polytope.faces (optional either vertex or polytope must be provided)

  • face_color – polytope face color (optional)

  • edge_color – polytope edge color (optional)

  • alpha – polytope opacity (optional)

  • label – legend label (optional)

  • center – offset the polytope (optional)

  • scale – scale the polytope with a scalar (optional)

  • wireframe – show the polytope as a wireframe (optional)


matplotlib ax used for plotting

Return type:


pycapacity.visual.plot_polytope_vertex(vertex=None, polytope=None, plot=None, label=None, color='black', center=None, scale=1.0)[source]

Polytope vertices plotting function in 2d and 3d


plot parameter can be either matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.axes.Axes or matplotlib.figure.Figure or mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.


>>> import pycapacity.visual
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> pycapacity.visual.plot_polytope_vertex(np.array([[6,5,4,3],[1,2,2,1]]),plot=fig,color='blue')
>>> pycapacity.visual.plot_polytope_vertex(np.array([[10,8,7,6],[1,2,2,1]]),plot=fig, color='red')
  • plot – matplotlib ax to plot on, can be either matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.axes.Axes or matplotlib.figure.Figure or mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D

  • vertex – vertices to be plotted (optional either vertex or polytope must be provided)

  • polytope (Polytope) – polytope object - if it is provided, it will use the polytope vertices (optional either vertex or polytope must be provided)

  • color – vertex color (optional)

  • label – legend label (optional)

  • center – offset the polytope (optional)

  • scale – scale the polytope with a scalar (optional)


matplotlib ax used for plotting

Return type:
