pycapacity.robot moduleο
This is a python module which implements different robot performance metrics based on polytopes and ellipsoids.
force polytope minkowski sum and intersection
reachable space approximation polytope
reachable space nonlinear
- pycapacity.robot.acceleration_ellipsoid(J, M, t_max)[source]ο
Acceleration ellipsoid calculation (dynamic manipulability ellipsoid)
\[E_a = \{\ddot{x}~ |~ \ddot{x} = JM^{-1}\tau,\quad ||W^{-1}{\tau}|| \leq 1\}\]where
\[W=diag(\tau_{max})\]- Parameters:
J β matrix jacobian
M β matrix inertia
t_max β maximal joint torques
- Returns:
ellipsoid object with the following attributes
- Return type:
- pycapacity.robot.acceleration_polytope(J, M, t_max, t_min, t_bias=None, options=None)[source]ο
Acceleration polytope calculating function
\[P_a = \{\ddot{x}~ |~ \ddot{x} = JM^{-1}\tau,\quad {\tau}_{min} \leq \tau \leq {\tau}_{max}\}\]Based on the
algorithm.- Parameters:
J β position jacobian
M β inertia matrix
t_max β maximal joint torque
t_min β minimal joint torque
t_bias β bias joint torques due to the gravity, robot dynamics and maybe some already appiled forces
options β dictionary of options for the polytope calculation (currently only
is supported)
- Returns:
polytope object with
, half-plane representation with matrices``H`` andd
if optioncalculate_faces
is set to True)- Return type:
- pycapacity.robot.force_ellipsoid(J, t_max)[source]ο
Force manipulability ellipsoid calculation
\[E_f = \{f~ |~ \tau = J^Tf,\quad ||W^{-1}\tau|| \leq 1\}\]where
\[W=diag(\tau_{max})\]- Parameters:
J β matrix jacobian
t_max β maximal joint torques
- Returns:
ellipsoid object with the following attributes
- Return type:
- pycapacity.robot.force_polytope(Jacobian, t_max, t_min, t_bias=None, options=None)[source]ο
Force polytope representing the capacities of the two robots in a certain configuration
\[P_f = \{f~ |~ \tau = J^Tf,\quad {\tau}_{min} \leq \tau \leq {\tau}_{max}\}\]Based on the
algorithm.- Parameters:
Jacobian β position jacobian
t_max β maximal joint torques
t_min β minimal joint torques
t_bias β bias joint torques due to the gravity, robot dynamics and maybe some already appiled forces for robot
options β dictionary of options for the polytope calculation - currently only
is supported
- Returns:
polytope object with
, torque verticestorque_vertices
if optioncalculate_faces
is set to True)- Return type:
- pycapacity.robot.force_polytope_intersection(Jacobian1, Jacobian2, t1_max, t1_min, t2_max, t2_min, t1_bias=None, t2_bias=None, options=None)[source]ο
Force polytope representing the intersection of the capacities of the two robots in certain configurations.
\[P_f = \{f~ | ~ f_1\! =\! f_2\! =\! f, ~~ \tau_1 = J_1^Tf_1, ~~ \tau_2 = J_2^Tf_2, ~~ {t}_{1,min} \leq \tau_1 \leq {\tau}_{1,max},~~~ {\tau}_{2,min} \leq \tau_1 \leq {\tau}_{2,max}\}\]Based on the
algorithm.- Parameters:
Jacobian1 β position jacobian robot 1
Jacobian2 β Jacobian2 position jacobian robot 2
t_min1 β minimal joint torques robot 1
t_min2 β minimal joint torques robot 2
t_max1 β maximal joint torques robot 1
t_max2 β maximal joint torques robot 2
t1_bias β bias joint torques due to the gravity, robot dynamics and maybe some already applied forces for robot 1
t2_bias β bias joint torques due to the gravity, robot dynamics and maybe some already applied forces for robot 2
options β dictionary of options for the algorithm (currently supported:
- Returns:
force polytope representing the intersection of the capacities of the two robots in certain configurations. Vertex representation
and hal-plane representationH
(face representationfaces
is set toTrue
)- Return type:
- pycapacity.robot.force_polytope_sum(Jacobian1, Jacobian2, t1_max, t1_min, t2_max, t2_min, t1_bias=None, t2_bias=None, options=None)[source]ο
Force polytope representing the minkowski sum of the capacities of the two robots in certain configurations. With ordered vertices into the faces.
\[P_f = \{f~ | ~ f\! =\! f_1\! +\! f_2, ~~ \tau_1 = J_1^Tf_1, ~~ \tau_2 = J_2^Tf_2, ~~ {\tau}_{1,min} \leq \tau_1 \leq {\tau}_{1,max},~~~ {\tau}_{2,min} \leq \tau_1 \leq {\tau}_{2,max}\}\]Based on the
algorithm.- Parameters:
Jacobian1 β position jacobian robot 1
Jacobian2 β Jacobian2 position jacobian robot 2
t_min1 β minimal joint torques robot 1
t_min2 β minimal joint torques robot 2
t_max1 β maximal joint torques robot 1
t_max2 β maximal joint torques robot 2
t1_bias β bias joint torques due to the gravity, robot dynamics and maybe some already applied forces for robot 1
t2_bias β bias joint torques due to the gravity, robot dynamics and maybe some already applied forces for robot 2
options β dictionary of additional options (currently supported only
- Returns:
polytope object with
and half-plane representationH
, (faces
option is set to True)- Return type:
- pycapacity.robot.reachable_space_approximation(M, J, q0, horizon, t_max, t_min, t_bias=None, q_max=None, q_min=None, dq_max=None, dq_min=None, x0=None, A_x=None, b_x=None, options=None)[source]ο
Reachable space aproximation function based on convex polytopes. For a given time horizon, it calculates the reachable space of the robot. It evaluates the polytope of a form:
\[P_x = \{\Delta x~ |~ \Delta{x} = JM^{-1}\tau \Delta t_{h}^2/2,\]\[{\tau}_{min} - \tau_{bias} \leq \tau \leq {\tau}_{max} - \tau_{bias}\]\[\dot{q}_{min} \leq M^{-1}\tau \Delta t_{h} \leq \dot{q}_{max}\]\[{q}_{min} \leq M^{-1}\tau \Delta t_{h}^2/2 \leq {q}_{max}\]\[A_x \Delta{x} \leq b_x - A_x x_0\}\]where \(\tau_{bias}\) is the bias joint torques due to the gravity, robot dynamics and maybe some already appiled forces which is optional. and \(\Delta t_{h}\) is the time horizon. If limits on joint velocity \(\dot{q}_{min}\) and \(\dot{q}_{max}\) or joint postion limits \({q}_{min}\) and \({q}_{max}\) are not given, the function calculates the ploytope without them. A_x and b_x are additional inequality covex constraints in the Cartesian position space. x0 is the initial Cartesian position corresponding to the initial joint position q0.
Based on the
algorithm.- Parameters:
M β inertia matrix
J β position jacobian
q0 β initial joint position
horizon β time horizon
t_max β maximal joint torque
t_min β minimal joint torque
x0 β initial Cartesian position (optional)
t_bias β bias joint torques due to the gravity, robot dynamics and maybe some already appiled forces (optional)
q_max β maximal joint position (optional)
q_min β minimal joint position (optional)
dq_max β maximal joint velocities (optional)
dq_min β minimal joint velocities (optional)
A_x β additional inequality constraints matrices in Cartesian position space (optional)
b_x β additional inequality constraints matrices in Cartesian position space (optional)
options β dictionary of options for the polytope calculation - currently supported
- Returns:
polytope object with
, torque verticestorque_vertices
, half-plane representation with matricesH
, and faces defiend byface_indices
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError β if the mass and jacobian matrices are not appropriate size
ValueError β if any of the provided joint limits sizes are not equal to the number of joints
ValueError β if bias joint torques are given and their size is not equal to the number of joints
Skuric, Antun, Vincent Padois, and David Daney. βApproximating robot reachable space using convex polytopes.β Human-Friendly Robotics 2022: HFR: 15th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
- pycapacity.robot.reachable_space_nonlinear(forward_func, q0, time_horizon, q_max, q_min, dq_max, dq_min, options=None)[source]ο
Compute the reachable set of the robot for the given joint configuration. The algorithm calculates the reachable set of cartesian position of the desired frame of the robot given the robots joint position and joint velocity limits. The output of the algorithm is the reachable space that the robot is able to reach within the horizon time, while guaranteeing that the joint position and velocity limits are not violated.
If you are interested in the complete workspace of the robot, you can set a large time horizon (>1 second)
\[C_x = \{ x~ |~ x = f_{fk}(q_0 + \dot{q}\Delta t),\]\[\dot{q}_{min} \leq \dot{q} \leq \dot{q}_{max},\quad {q}_{min} \leq q_0 + \dot{q}\Delta t \leq {q}_{max} \}\]The parameters of the algorithm are set using the options dictionary. The following options are available:
n_samples: The number of samples to use for the discretization of the joint velocity space. The higher the number of samples, the more accurate the reachable set will be, however the longer the computation time will be
facet_dim: The dimension of the facet that will be sampled. Between 0 and the number of DOF of the robot. The higher the number of samples, the more accurate the reachable set will be, however the longer the computation time will be
convex_hull: Approximate the reachable set with a convex hull (True) or with a non-convex shape (False) - if False, CGAL must be installed
- Parameters:
forward_func β The forward kinematic function, taking in the current joint position and ouputting the Cartesian space position (no orientation)
q0 β Current joint configuration
time_horizon β The time horizon for which to compute the reachable set
q_max β maximal joint position
q_min β minimal joint position
dq_max β maximal joint velocities
dq_min β minimal joint velocities
options β dictionary of options for the polytope calculation - currently supported calculate_faces, n_samples, facet_dim
- Returns:
polytope object with
and faces if optioncalculate_faces
is set to True inoptions
- Return type:
- pycapacity.robot.velocity_ellipsoid(J, dq_max)[source]ο
Velocity manipulability ellipsoid calculation
\[E_f = \{\dot{x}~ |~ J\dot{q} = \dot{x},\quad ||W^{-1}\dot{q}|| \leq 1\}\]where
\[W=diag(\dot{q}_{max})\]- Parameters:
J β position jacobian
dq_max β maximal joint velocities
- Returns:
ellipsoid object with the following attributes
- Return type:
- pycapacity.robot.velocity_polytope(Jacobian, dq_max, dq_min, options=None)[source]ο
Velocity polytope calculating function
\[P_f = \{\dot{x}~ |~ J\dot{q} = \dot{x},\quad {\dot{q}}_{min} \leq \dot{q} \leq {\dot{q}}_{max}\}\]Based on the
algorithm.- Parameters:
Jacobian β position jacobian
dq_max β maximal joint velocities
dq_min β minimal joint velocities
options β dictionary of options for the polytope calculation - currently only
is supported
- Returns:
polytope object with
, halfspacesH
if optioncalculate_faces
is set to True)- Return type: