Contributing and reporting issues

Feel free to create a github issue if you experience any problems using the code or the docs. The code is in its early stage still and any feedback will be highly appreciated!

A new GitHub tool enabling discussions is also available for this repository. Feel free to use it to ask questions, propose new features or discuss the future of the package. Here is the link: Github discussions

All contributions are welcome!

We will be very happy to hear about your contribution propositions so don’t hesitate to open a pull request or an issue to discuss it.

In order to contribute download the code

git clone

install it using

cd pycapacity
pip install -e .

and then your can make the necessary modifications and test them by importing the pycapacity package as usual in your applications.

Just make sure, if you’re proposing some extensions/changes to the package that all the tests are passing. You can verify the this by running the packges unit tests

pytest tests/*

If you are new to the github workflow, don’t be discouraged we’ll be happy to provide you assistance to integrate your contribution!