Source code for pycapacity.human


This is a python module which implements different human performance metrics based on their musculoskeletal models

* acceleration `polytope <#pycapacity\.human\.acceleration_polytope>`_ and `ellipsoid <#pycapacity\.human\.acceleration_ellipsoid>`_
* velocity (manipulability) `polytope <#pycapacity\.human\.velocity_polytope>`_ and `ellipsoid <#pycapacity\.human\.velocity_ellipsoid>`_
* force `polytope <#pycapacity\.human\.force_polytope>`_ and `ellipsoid <#pycapacity\.human\.force_ellipsoid>`_
* `joint torque polytope <#pycapacity\.human\.joint_torques_polytope>`_


import numpy as np
from cvxopt import matrix
import cvxopt.glpk

# import the algos
from pycapacity.algorithms import *
from pycapacity.objects import *
import pycapacity.robot as robot

[docs] def velocity_ellipsoid(J, N, dl_max): """ Human musculoskeletal velocity ellipsoid calculation .. math:: E_f = \{\dot{x}~ |~ J\dot{q} = \dot{x},~ L\dot{q} = \dot{l} \quad ||W^{-1}\dot{l}|| \leq 1\} where .. math:: W=diag(\dot{l}_{max}) Args: J: position jacobian N: moment arm matrix (:math:`N = -L^T`, where :math:`L` is the muscle length jacobian) dl_max: maximal joint velocities Returns --------- ellipsoid(Ellipsoid): ellipsoid object with the following attributes ``radii``, ``axes`` """ # jacobian calculation Jac = J@np.linalg.pinv(-N.T) # limits scaling W = np.diagflat(dl_max) # calculate the singular value decomposition U, S, V = np.linalg.svd( # create the ellipsoid from the singular values and the unit vector angle ellipsoid = Ellipsoid(radii=S, rotation=U) return ellipsoid
[docs] def acceleration_ellipsoid(J, M, N, F_max): """ Human musculoskeletal acceleration ellipsoid calculation (dynamic manipulability ellipsoid) .. math:: E_a = \{\ddot{x}~ |~ \ddot{x} = JM^{-1}NF, \quad ||W^{-1}F|| \leq 1\} where .. math:: W=diag(F_{max}) Args: J: matrix jacobian M: matrix inertia N: moment arm matrix F_max: maximal muscular forces Returns --------- ellipsoid(Ellipsoid): ellipsoid object with the following attributes ``radii``, ``axes`` """ # jacobian calculation Jac = J@np.linalg.pinv(M)@N # limits scaling W = np.linalg.pinv(np.diagflat(F_max)) # calculate the singular value decomposition U, S, V = np.linalg.svd( # create the ellipsoid from the singular values and the unit vector angle ellipsoid = Ellipsoid(radii=S, rotation=U) return ellipsoid
[docs] def force_ellipsoid(J, N, F_max): """ Human musculoskeletal force ellipsoid calculation .. math:: E_f = \{f~ |~ NF = J^Tf,\quad ||W^{-1}F|| \leq 1\} where .. math:: W=diag(F_{max}) Args: J: matrix jacobian N: moment arm matrix F_max: maximal muscular forces Returns --------- ellipsoid(Ellipsoid): ellipsoid object with the following attributes ``radii``, ``axes`` """ # jacobian calculation Jac = J@np.linalg.pinv(N.T) # limits scaling W = np.linalg.pinv(np.diagflat(F_max)) # calculate the singular value decomposition U, S, V = np.linalg.svd( # create the ellipsoid from the singular values and the unit vector angle ellipsoid = Ellipsoid(radii=np.divide(1,S), rotation=U ) return ellipsoid
[docs] def joint_torques_polytope(N, F_min, F_max, tol=1e-5, options=None): """ A function calculating the polytopes of achievable joint torques based on the moment arm matrix `N` : .. math:: P_{t} = \{ \\tau ~ | ~ \\tau= NF, \quad F_{min} \leq F \leq F_{max}\} Based on the ``hyper_plane_shifting_method`` algorithm. Args: N: moment arm matrix F_min: minimal muscular forces (passive forces or 0) F_max: maximal isometric forces tolerance: tolerance for the polytope calculation options: dictionary of options for the polytope calculation (currently only ``calculate_faces`` is supported) Returns -------- poly(Polytope): polytope object with the following attributes ``vertices``, half-plane representation ``H``, ``d``, (and ``face_indices`` and ``faces`` if option ``calculate_faces`` is set to ``True``) """ H, d = hyper_plane_shift_method(N, F_min, F_max) vert, faces = hspace_to_vertex(H,d) # create the polytope object poly = Polytope(vertices=vert, H=H, d=d) # calculate the faces if requested if options is not None and 'calculate_faces' in options.keys() and options['calculate_faces'] is True: poly.face_indices = faces poly.faces = face_index_to_vertex(poly.vertices, faces) return poly
[docs] def acceleration_polytope(J, N, M, F_min, F_max, tol=1e-5, options=None): """ A function calculating the polytopes of achievable accelerations based on the jacobian matrix `J`, moment arm matrix `N` and mass matrix `M` .. math:: P_{a} = \{ \ddot{x} ~ | ~ \ddot{x} = JM^{-1}NF, \quad F_{min} \leq F \leq F_{max}\} Based on the ``hyper_plane_shifting_method`` algorithm (default) or the ``iterative_convex_hull_method`` algorithm (options['algorithm'] = 'ichm'). Args: J: jacobian matrix N: moment arm matrix M: mass matrix F_min: minimal muscular forces (passive forces or 0) F_max: maximal isometric forces tolerance: tolerance for the polytope calculation options: dictionary of options for the polytope calculation (currently supported options are ``calculate_faces`` and ``algorithm``) Returns --------- poly(Polytope): polytope object with the following attributes ``vertices``, half-plane representation ``H``, ``d``, (and ``face_indices`` and ``faces`` if option ``calculate_faces`` is set to ``True``) """ if options is not None and 'algorithm' in options.keys() and options['algorithm'] == 'ichm': vert, H, d, faces , F_vert, t_vert = iterative_convex_hull_method( A = np.eye(J.shape[0]), B =, y_min=F_min, y_max= F_max, tol=tol) # construct polytope object poly = Polytope(vertices=vert, H=H, d=d) poly.face_indices = faces else: H,d = hyper_plane_shift_method(,F_min,F_max) vert, faces = hspace_to_vertex(H,d) # construct polytope object poly = Polytope(vertices=vert, H=H, d=d) poly.face_indices = faces # calculate faces if requested if options is not None and 'calculate_faces' in options.keys() and options['calculate_faces'] is True: poly.faces = face_index_to_vertex(poly.vertices, faces) return poly
[docs] def force_polytope(J, N, F_min, F_max, tol, torque_bias=None, options=None): """ A function calculating the polytopes of achievable forces based on the jacobian matrix `J` and moment arm matrix `N` .. math:: P_{f} = \{ f ~ | ~ J^Tf = NF, \quad F_{min} \leq F \leq F_{max}\} optionally an additional bias :math:`\\tau_{bias}` can be added .. math:: P_{f} = \{ f ~ | ~ J^Tf = NF + \\tau_{bias}, \quad F_{min} \leq F \leq F_{max}\} Based on the ``iterative_convex_hull_method`` algorithm. Args: J: jacobian matrix N: moment arm matrix F_min: minimal muscular forces (passive forces or 0) F_max: maximal isometric forces tolerance: tolerance for the polytope calculation torque_bias: torque bias optional (gravity or movement or applied forces ....) options: dictionary of options for the polytope calculation (currently only ``calculate_faces`` is supported) Returns --------- polytope(Polytope): polytope object with the following attributes ``vertices``, torque vertices ``torque_vertices``, muscle force vertices ``muscle_force_vertices``, half-plane representation ``H``, ``d``, (and ``face_indices`` and ``faces`` if option ``calculate_faces`` is set to ``True``) """ f_vert, H, d, faces , F_vert, t_vert = iterative_convex_hull_method(J.T, N, F_min, F_max, tol, bias=torque_bias) # construct polytope object poly = Polytope(vertices=f_vert, H=H, d=d) poly.torque_vertices = t_vert poly.muscle_force_vertices = F_vert poly.face_indices = faces # calculate faces if option is set to True if options is not None and 'calculate_faces' in options.keys() and options['calculate_faces'] is True: poly.faces = face_index_to_vertex(poly.vertices, faces) return poly
[docs] def velocity_polytope(J, N=None, dl_min=None , dl_max=None, dq_max=None, dq_min=None, tol=1e-5, options=None): """ A function calculating the polytopes of achievable velocity based on the jacobian matrix `J` and moment arm matrix `N` If only muscle contraction velocity limits are given .. math:: P_{v,\dot{l}} = \{ \dot{x} ~ | ~ L\dot{q} = \dot{l},~~ J\dot{q} = \dot{x}, \quad \dot{l}_{min} \leq \dot{l} \leq \dot{l}_{max}\} If only joint velocity limits are given .. math:: P_{v,\dot{q}} = \{ \dot{x} ~ | ~ J\dot{q} = \dot{x}, \quad \dot{q}_{min} \leq \dot{q} \leq \dot{q}_{max}\} If both are provided the function will calculate .. math:: P_{v,\dot{l}} = \{ \dot{x} ~ | ~ J\dot{q} = \dot{x}, \quad \dot{q}_{min} \leq \dot{q} \leq \dot{q}_{max}, ~~ \dot{l}_{max} \leq L\dot{q} \leq \dot{l}_{max}\} Based on the ``iterative_convex_hull_method`` algorithm. Args: J: jacobian matrix N: moment arm matrix :math:`L = -N^T` dl_min: minimal achievable muscle contraction velocity dl_max: maximal achievable muscle contraction velocity dq_min: minimal achievable joint velocity dq_max: maximal achievable joint velocity tol: tolerance for the polytope calculation options: dictionary of options for the polytope calculation (currently only ``calculate_faces`` is supported) Returns --------- polytope(Polytope): polytope object with the following attributes ``vertices``, joint velocity vertices ``dq_vertices`` and muscle elongation vertices ``dl_vertices``, half-plane representation ``H``, ``d``, (and ``face_indices`` and ``faces`` if option ``calculate_faces`` is set to ``True``) """ # if limits on joint velocity are given if dq_max is not None and dq_min is not None: dq_max = np.array(dq_max).reshape((-1,1)) dq_min = np.array(dq_min).reshape((-1,1)) # if limits both limits are given if dl_max is not None and dl_min is not None: # caluclate the polytope of achievable velocities # given joint velocity limits # and muscle contraction velocity limits transformed to joint velocity limits v_vert, H, d, faces , dq_vert, dv_vert = iterative_convex_hull_method( A=np.eye(J.shape[0]), B=J, y_min=dq_min, y_max=dq_max, G_in = np.vstack((-N.T, N.T)), h_in = np.hstack((dl_max, -dl_min)), tol=tol ) # construct polytope object poly = Polytope(vertices=v_vert, H=H, d=d) poly.dq_vertices = dq_vert poly.dl_vertices = -N.T@dq_vert else: # if only joint velocity limits are given # caluclate the polytope of achievable velocities # the same as the robot velocity polytope poly = robot.velocity_polytope(J, dq_max, dq_min, options) elif dl_max is not None and dl_min is not None: # if only muscle contraction velocity limits are given # caluclate the polytope of achievable velocities # given muscle contraction velocity limits only v_vert, H, d, faces , dl_vert, dq_vert = iterative_convex_hull_method( A=-N.T, B=np.eye(dl_min.shape[0]), P = J, y_min=dl_min, y_max=dl_max, tol=tol ) # construct polytope object poly = Polytope(vertices=v_vert, H=H, d=d) poly.dq_vertices = dq_vert poly.dl_vertices = dl_vert # calculate faces if option is set to True if options is not None and 'calculate_faces' in options.keys() and options['calculate_faces'] is True: poly.find_faces() return poly
[docs] def torque_to_muscle_force(N, F_min, F_max, tau, options="lp"): """ A function calculating muscle forces needed to create the joint torques tau. It uses either the linear programming or quadratic programming, set with the ``options`` parameter. The quadratic programming problem is formulated as: .. math:: F = \\text{arg}\min_F ||F||^2 \quad s.t. \quad N^TF = \\tau, \quad F_{min} \leq F \leq F_{max} The linear programming problem is formulated as: .. math:: F = \\text{arg}\min_F \sum_i \\frac{1}{F_{max,i} - F_{min,i}}F_i \quad s.t. \quad N^TF = \\tau, \quad F_{min} \leq F \leq F_{max} Args: N: moment arm matrix F_min: minimal muscular forces (passive forces or 0) F_max: maximal isometric forces tau: joint torque options: dictionary of options (currently supported ``solver`` type to use: ``lp`` - linear programming (default), ``qp`` - quadratic programming) Returns: F(list): list of muscle forces """ F_min = np.array(F_min) F_max = np.array(F_max) F_range = F_max - F_min L = len(F_min) if "lp" in options : solvers_opt={'tm_lim': 100000, 'msg_lev': 'GLP_MSG_OFF', 'it_lim':1000} c = matrix(np.ones(L)/F_range) A = matrix(N) b = np.array(tau).astype('float') b = matrix(b) G = matrix(np.vstack((np.eye(L),-np.eye(L)))) h = matrix(np.hstack((F_max, list(-np.array(F_min))))) res = cvxopt.glpk.lp(c=c,G=G,h=h,A=A,b=b,options=solvers_opt) # print(tau) if res[1] != None: return list(res[1]) else: print("None") return F_min else: cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False P = matrix(np.eye(L)/F_range/F_range) q = matrix(np.zeros(L)) A = matrix(N) b = np.array(tau).astype('float') b = matrix(b) G = matrix(np.vstack((np.eye(L),-np.eye(L)))) h = matrix(np.hstack((F_max,list(-np.array(F_min))))) res = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P=P,q=q,G=G,h=h,A=A,b=b) if res['x'] != None: return list(res['x']) else: print("None") return F_min